Monday, March 2, 2009


I was going back through the posts, and I began thinking that maybe it is important to step back a moment and examine woodworking in a deeper more methodical approach. I would like to question the merits of woodworking especially concerning the ontology of wood and its complex historical relationship to art in world where it is becoming apparent that resources are no longer endless. So, I guess I will start out with wood itself. Is this okay Shannon?

The use of wood is historically the starting point of civilizations worldwide, and is preceded by the age of metals given that wood was needed as a source of fire in order to melt wood down. Initially wood was used for simple machines and rudimentary tools as bows and lances. The most ancient article ever found is a 250,000 year old spear made by the Homo erectus species. The more recent civilizations such as the Egyptians and Sumerians were the first to use wood in more ornate purposes. Objects of furniture remain intact, excavated from secret tombs. Starting at this time, wood began to be used for elements of roofs of buildings and boats hulls.

Wood was very scarce in the period of the ancient Egyptian civilization but was necessary for maintaining Egyptian power, mainly to maintain Egypt’s fleet for trading and protection. The Egyptians were the first civilization to build large ship hulls enabling long distance travel across seas. Wood was often used a cheaper alternative to stone in tombs as well as furniture, chariots and other objects. Carpenters and cabinetmakers had a sophisticated array of tools and techniques that are not that dissimilar to modern practices….

1 comment:

Nancy Sevier said...

I think this is a great post. Great idea. thanks.