Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bent Lamination, continued

So, here are a couple of pictures of work by students in my Woodworking For Sculpture class from ten years ago. The first piece is a life-sized wooden "corset" made of laminated plywood. We had to make a different form for each different contour you see here-- the shoulders, chest, waist, and hips. The other piece is an example of just thin strips of wood stapled together to form an organic abstract sculpture-- no glue, no real "lamination". This piece was also inspired by the Martin Puryear woven cedar piece I showed in class.

Elizabeth Bowles, 1998

Rhonda Lewis, circa 1998

A trick to do bent laminations with just drywall screws instead of clamps. Looks a bit time-consuming compared to clamping. Please open and print out the PDFs I emailed to the class about bent lamination.

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